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If you're noticing your toilet bubbling when it rains, I get it, it can be pretty concerning. But before you start worrying, let's run through a quick checklist to determine whether this is something to lose sleep over or if it's just a minor nuisance that you can easily fix.

MBH Mechanical
MBH Mechanical plumbing services

Check Your Vent Stack

Okay, first things first, head on up to your roof and take a look at your vent stack. This is the pipe that sticks out of your roof and allows air to flow through your plumbing system. When it rains, it's possible for this vent stack to become blocked by debris like leaves, twigs, or even critters seeking shelter. If it's blocked, it can cause negative pressure in your plumbing system, which could lead to your toilet bubbling. Worry Level: High - If you find your vent stack is blocked, it's definitely something you'll want to address sooner rather than later to avoid more serious plumbing issues down the line.

Check for Sewer Line Issues

Next up, let's talk about your sewer line. Heavy rain can sometimes put a strain on your sewer system, causing it to back up into your home. This can lead to all sorts of problems, including your toilet bubbling. Signs of a sewer line issue include

  • foul odors
  • slow drains
  • or water backing up into sinks or showers.

Worry Level: Moderate to High - If you're experiencing any of these symptoms along with your toilet bubbling, it's best to call in a professional plumber to assess the situation and prevent any further damage to your home.

Check Your Toilet's Seal

Look at the seal around your toilet. Over time, this seal can degrade, allowing water to seep out and air to get sucked in, especially during heavy rain. This can cause your toilet to bubble as air is pushed through the water in the bowl.

Worry Level: Low to Moderate - While a degraded toilet seal isn't as serious as a blocked vent stack or sewer line issue, it's still something you'll want to address to prevent any water damage to your floors or subfloor.

Check Your Sewer Vent Pipe

Similar to the vent stack, your sewer vent pipe can also become obstructed during heavy rainfall. This pipe is responsible for allowing sewer gases to escape from your home, and if it's blocked, it can lead to pressure buildup in your plumbing system, causing your toilet to bubble.

Worry Level: Moderate to High - If you suspect your sewer vent pipe is blocked, it's crucial to address the issue promptly to avoid potential sewer backups or other plumbing emergencies.

Check for Tree Root Intrusion

If you have trees near your sewer lines, there's a chance that tree roots may have infiltrated your pipes, especially during wet weather when roots seek out sources of water. These roots can cause blockages or even damage to your sewer line, leading to issues like toilet bubbling.

Worry Level: High - Tree root intrusion can cause significant damage to your plumbing system if left unchecked, so it's essential to have a professional plumber inspect and address any root-related issues.

Check for Improper Ventilation

If your plumbing system isn't properly vented, it can lead to all sorts of problems, including toilet bubbling. Poor ventilation can cause air to get trapped in your pipes, leading to pressure fluctuations and strange noises.

Worry Level: Moderate - While improper ventilation isn't as urgent as some of the other issues on this list, it's still something you'll want to address to ensure your plumbing system functions properly and efficiently.

Check Your Septic Tank

If your home is equipped with a septic tank, heavy rainfall can put extra strain on it, potentially causing it to become overloaded. When this happens, the excess pressure can force air back up through your plumbing system, leading to toilet bubbling.

Worry Level: High - An overloaded septic tank can lead to sewage backups and other serious issues, so it's crucial to have it inspected and pumped regularly, especially before the rainy season hits.

Check for Plumbing Vent Blockages

In addition to the vent stack and sewer vent pipe, your plumbing vents throughout your home can also become blocked by debris or even pests seeking shelter from the rain. These blockages can disrupt the airflow in your plumbing system, resulting in toilet bubbling

Worry Level: Moderate to High - Blocked plumbing vents can cause a range of plumbing issues, so it's important to address them promptly to avoid further damage.

Check for Improperly Installed Plumbing Fixtures

If your toilet, sinks, or other fixtures weren't installed correctly, it can lead to problems like improper drainage or venting, which can cause toilet bubbling, especially during heavy rainfall.

Worry Level: Low to Moderate - While improper installation isn't always a cause for immediate concern, it can lead to ongoing issues with your plumbing system if left unaddressed.

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MBH Mechanical proudly provides to homeowners and business owners based in Oxford County, Ontario.