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The Ultimate Guide to Furnace Maintenance with MBH Mechanical.

Since 1989, MBH Mechanical has been a symbol of confidence and competence in heating, cooling, and plumbing services. Our commitment to providing homeowners with best-in-class services is more than simply a promise; it's something we live by every day. With over 35 years of experience, we understand the value of keeping your house warm during the cold winter months. That's why we're here to walk you through the fundamental phases of furnace maintenance, so your system performs smoothly and efficiently when you need it the most.

MBH Mechanical
MBH Mechanical

Simple Steps for Homeowners

Furnace maintenance is critical for extending the life of your system and maintaining top performance during the cold season. Here's how you can prepare your furnace for the winter, using a combination of DIY actions and expert services provided by MBH Mechanical:

  • Replace Your Furnace Filter: A clean filter is essential for maintaining high air quality and keeping your furnace running smoothly. Filters with higher MERV ratings capture more particles but require more frequent replacements. We recommend checking your filter every three months, especially during peak use seasons.
  • Thermostat Checks: Make sure your thermostat is working properly by noting how smoothly your furnace cycles. If you see brief cycling or inconsistencies in temperature measurements, it may be time for a professional inspection. Smart thermostat users should also make sure their gadgets are up to date and properly programmed.
  • Inspect Airflow: Examine all air registers, dampers, and ductwork for evidence of blockage or leakage. Proper ventilation is required for effective heating. Inspect visible ducting for signs of damage, and keep all dampers open to allow heat to be distributed.
  • Humidifier Maintenance: If you have a central humidifier, replace the humidifier pad as frequently as you change your furnace filter. This helps to maintain ideal humidity levels in your house, minimizing dry air issues.

MBH Mechanical provides professional furnace maintenance services.

While many maintenance activities may be completed by individuals, some crucial parts of furnace care necessitate professional assistance. Here's how MBH Mechanical's professional services can help:

  • Burner and Flame Sensor Maintenance: We will clean and inspect your furnace's burners and flame sensor. A well-maintained burner should create a blue flame, suggesting that it is operating efficiently and safely. The flame sensor, which is critical to operational safety, is also inspected and cleaned as needed.
  • Heat Exchanger Inspection: The heat exchanger's integrity is critical to your furnace's safe functioning. Our trained specialists will inspect this component to verify it is in good working order, preventing hazardous circumstances and any system breakdowns.
  • Older Furnace Care: To guarantee that furnaces over 15 years old continue to work efficiently, we incorporate additional procedures in our maintenance service such as lubricating blower and inducer motors and examining blower belts.

Your Partner for Comfort and Care

At MBH Mechanical, we believe in treating our clients like family. From the first consultation to annual maintenance and emergencies, we're here to help you solve difficulties and maintain your environment comfortable. Our experience lies not only in the services we provide, but also in the care and attention we devote to each task. Ontario homeowners can rely on us for all their furnace repair needs, keeping their homes warm and secure throughout the winter.

Get in touch to learn more about the complete range of residential and light commercial services that
MBH Mechanical proudly provides to homeowners and business owners based in Oxford County, Ontario.